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Get Pasteurized!

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At Pasteur Foundation - UK, we do things a bit differently…

We are a science led foundation and are keen for our members and donors to be given the opportunity to learn about what our scientists are doing using the support they recieve from our PF- UK Impact Grant programme. 

As a supporter of Pasteur Foundation-UK, you sit at the heart of our mission and will be invited to meet our scientists, learn about our work and gain a depth of understanding into the public health challenges you are helping us to tackle.

There are three ways to support Pasteur Foundation - UK, sign up to our free Membership Programme, support us as a donor or, if you would like to make a more personal commitment, contact us about funding an individual PF-UK Impact Grant...

The PF-UK Impact Grant

Following years of successful cross-channel research collaborations between scientists at the Institut Pasteur and in leading UK based research institutions, Pasteur Foundation – UK has created the PF- UK Impact Grant programme.

The Institut Pasteur has a long standing historical relationship with British researchers and research institutions and the UK remains the Institut Pasteur’s second largest partner country when it comes to research collaborations.  Pasteur Foundation- UK was born out of the large-scale existing collaboration between the Institut Pasteur in Paris and over 90 leading British research institutions.  Since 2016, scientists at the Institut Pasteur have partnered with British Institutions on 56 different interdisciplinary research projects.


The launch of the PF-UK Impact Grant aims to further encourage this Franco-British collaboration by awarding funding to high-quality research projects between the Institut Pasteur and UK institutions, addressing global public health challenges. 

Eligibility Criterea and Project Submission



Eligible projects for a PF- UK Impact Grant are jointly coordinated by representatives from the Institut Pasteur and a UK based institution and are conducting research that falls under one of our three strategic funding strands.  Projects must have an initial duration of at least two years and may request a total budget of up to £250,000 which will be distributed between the two institutions as requested by the project coordinators.  Proposals are expected to demonstrate adequate value for money, resource need and showcase why the unique dual- country approach will enhance the research project.

Our funding strands

In addition to being jointly coordinated between Institut Pasteur and a UK Institutions, eligible projects must also fall into one of our three strategic funding strands, in line with the strategic priorities of the Institut Pasteur.  These are:

Climate Change and Health

Preparedness for the new pathogens and diseases our societies will soon face as our climate continues to change.

The threat of climate change is becoming increasingly prevalent in our everyday news stories. Unprecedented levels of flooding, food insecurity, emerging infectious disease and new pandemics are all direct consequences of our heating planet.  The impact of climate change on human health is becoming an increasingly studied phenomenon.  The Institut Pasteur has long been a world leader in infectious disease, vector born disease and microbiology and we will continue to dedicate a large resource to studying the impact our shifting climate is having on these research fields.

Women and Children's Health

Investment in the health of our mothers and children from the earliest age.

New president of Institut Pasteur, Professor Yasmine Belkaid, was recently awarded a Chaire d’excellence for her work around mother- child health.  With Professor Belkaid at the helm, the Institut hopes to explore the questions; How does the mother’s immune system evolve to adapt to the many changes that happen during pregnancy?  What are the consequences of infection on mother- child immune systems? How do adverse events that can affect the mother, such as infection or malnutrition, affect the developing child and later the infant through breastfeeding?  These questions have all been largely neglected despite the significant public health implications worldwide.

Antimicrobial Resistance

Finding concrete solutions to the growing threat of disease resistance to human engineered treatments and drugs.

Since its foundation in 1887, the Institut Pasteur has led on research around complex diseases, including leading on discoveries that have enabled medical science to control diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis and yellow fever among others.  A more recent focus for Institut Pasteur has been research into how many diseases and infections are becoming increasingly resistant to the drugs we have developed to control and treat them.  Both strands of this work continue to be a focus for Institut Pasteur and we continue to work with UK partners on these areas.

Funding and selection process

The aim of the PF-UK Impact Grant is to encourage Franco- British scientific cooperation on projects addressing some of the biggest threats to global public health, whilst simultaneously giving donors the opportunity to support innovative and unique research in an area that is closely aligned to your personal philanthropic priorities.


The funding awarded per PF-UK Impact Grant is £250,000.

Once submitted, proposals undergo a scientific selection process, reviewed by the selection committee of Pasteur Foundation – UK and will ultimately be approved by Professor Sir Stewart Cole and Sir Paul Nurse on behalf of the Pasteur Foundation – UK Board of Trustees.

All donations to Pasteur Foundation- UK go towards funding current PF-UK Impact Grants.  Pasteur Foundation- UK's current priority project is the Pasteur- Oxford joint PhD.



Following your project

You will have the opportunity to follow the progress of the project your donation is helping to support.  This can include lab visits in France and the UK, receiving reports on research and attending tailor made events around the research project your PF-UK Impact Grant is funding.


A key focus for us is allowing you as a donor to engage with the research you are supporting and feel a part of the science that your generosity is helping to make happen.


Donors making a gift of over £25,000 will also be invited to join La Guilde de Pasteur and to be part of a circle of donors who share with you the urgent need to support scientific research for the benefit of all and who also believe in the power of cross-border collaboration and Franco-British unity. 


To learn more, please contact our Head of Development, Sarah Bridge (


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